School Uniform

2025 New Uniform (2023 introduction with 2 year transition)

Starting at the beginning of 2023 students at Holy Spirit will be encouraged to wear our new uniform which will be in effect for all students in the 2025 school year. The next two years will be transition years for school families to adjust to the new uniform.

Please note: items not on the Uniform Image will no longer be sold, nor be part of the uniform to wear from the start of the 2025 year. 

Our uniform is gender and season neutral, meaning that we have no restriction on any uniform item throughout the year nor is gender-specific.

Shoes: For non-sports days, we encourage students to wear their choice of black school shoes, these can either be leather shoes or black runners. On sports days we encourage students to wear white runners, however we allow coloured runners (not street shoes).

What do I wear underneath the navy tunic: Students are welcome to wear the long sleeve or short sleeve polo.



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