Curriculum Opportunities

We pride ourselves on a wide range of curriculum opportunites for our students

It’s not the curriculum that we offer that sets us apart, it’s the manner in which it’s delivered

Any school can teach a curriculum. Amazing schools like ours is full of teachers actively and passionately exploring the possibilities of making their teaching practice more innovative, engaging and fun at every turn. This is the single ingredient that drives the most growth in our students.

The success we attain is not only evidenced by the assessment data – but it’s seen through the smiles and joy we see on our student’s faces as a concept is grasped. This is the indefinable element that drives us as teachers to produce and grow our own teaching skills year in, year out.

Student Wellbeing

At Holy Spirit Community School we are committed to creating inclusive, engaging, safe and mutually respectful environments where all member of the community flourish. We collect Student Wellbeing Data analyse trends in social and emotional areas to best support students needs.


At Holy Spirit Community School, we provide an inclusive approach to literacy learning with an emphasis on deepening our students’ knowledge and skills in the areas of Reading and Viewing, Writing and Speaking and Listening.


At Holy Spirit Community School we aim to develop deep mathematical understandings, knowledge, skills and strategies, which will empower students to apply their learning and live numerate lives in a constantly changing world.

Education in Faith

At Holy Spirit Community School, through our commitment to ‘Family, Faith and Friendship’, we strive to provide our students with a Christ centred education.

Physical Education

At Holy Spirit Community School we recognise the importance of Health, Sport and Physical Education within the school curriculum.

Performing Arts

Students at Holy Spirit Community School attend weekly classes that cover performance and the artistic elements of Music, Dance and Drama.


Coming Soon


Students learn about Science, Technology, Enginerring and Maths in STEM sessions throughout P-6. At various times throughout the year external companies offer outside of hours programs on school grounds for programs such as Robotics and Coding.

Speech Pathology

Holy Spirit has engaged with Speech Pathology for Schools (SPS) to provide holistic school based speech pathology support. Kharlea is an engaging and dynamic speech pathologist who enjoys working alongside school-aged students to find their learning potential in the areas of language and literacy. She works collaboratively with students and staff to assess and target individual needs in the areas of Oral Language and Phonological Awareness. Kharlea’s sessions run on Mondays and Fridays and consist of either 1:1 or small group learning.  An LSO is present during the session to further support students with follow up activities during class time. 

Student Counselling

We have student counselling services which is available on request for all students in our school. These sessions are accessible during learning or playtime depending on best need for students. These sessions are play based and help the students unpack thoughts and feelings to explore the best mentally healthy version of themselves. 

Digital Technologies

At Holy Spirit, students attend weekly classes in our Multimedia Centre which houses over 30 PC Desktops, allowing all students the opportunity for one to one technology linked lessons.

Intercultural Capability

Coming Soon.

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