Dozens of videos to watch

We have professionally produced dozens of videos showcasing our amazing school.

See us in action from the comfort of your home (or phone)

Meet our principal

Hear all about us! We have some wonderful insights to share

Hear from our talented teachers

Our dedicated teachers tell you how we run our programs

Meet some of our students

Our students share some highlights of our school

Insights from parents

Our parents would love to tell you about our school from their perspective

Learn about our curriculum

We share with you all of the opportunities our students are exposed to

Tips for a smooth start to school

We share with you some things you can do to help your child transition

Learn about our wellbeing program

We share with you the key strategies we use to ensure our children are happy

See our facilities

We have a very well resourced school. See shots of the grounds and facilities

Holy Spirit Community School

From the moment you enter the front gates, you are going to experience something unique.

We are a school filled with exceptionally talented teachers and an extremely connected community. It’s these elements that truly make us what we are today – one of the most dynamic learning environments in the region. We are deeply invested in nurturing the journey of every individual child that comes to us.

Meet our Teachers Today!

Register for our online tour below

Let’s Get Started

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